Year 2: Self Reflection

Overall, I believe my performance this year has been sub-par, I’m aware that I have the potential to become a great designer, however my own lack of motivation holds me back. I think this really boils down to some of the briefs that have been set (I know that in the industry you can’t often select what brief you are given, with the exception of freelance) but what the self-authored brief has taught me about myself is that I’m really passionate about illustrating. It was possibly the most enjoyable brief for me, both because it wasn’t a long-drawn brief and because it was something I enjoyed, as opposed to say the competition brief and personal promotion brief.

I in no way want to solely stick to illustration in my work, but it will definitely be a focal point in my work next year and over the summer if I can find work experience in the field.

Currently, I believe that my strengths revolve around my ability to conceptualize ideas through the process of making. This is counteracted by my weakness of being, as stated in the past, “strategic” in the way I work, book work definitely falls behind and development in this manor is rarely applied. However, I feel that the best way for me to find the best outcome, is to work my around things, try them out by making, if they don’t work then delete it and try a different approach. Obviously this cannot be applied when a client is involved as they may like one of the earlier designs. Through my ability to conceptualize, it allows me to be more original in my work, I can often find different approaches to a otherwise straight forward brief.

I also learned from the live brief projects, that I can work well either on my own or with a team, I believe this is a good skill to have as it allows me to branch out into different areas of the industry, as oppose to if I could only work in a team.

My areas to work on definitely include time management. This has always been a big issue for me and gets me behind on work often, however, this is largely due to me spending extra time on briefs to ensure that they look aesthetically perfect. Tied in with this is my organizational skills, I tend not to plan ahead, nor do I file papers and notes, etc. so they are often lost.

Other weaknesses include my drawing capabilities, which is generally why book work becomes an issue as drawing has always been a weak point and I would much prefer to spend my time creating something that I feel would look better. Branching out program wise is also a small weakness, I tend to keep clear of programs such as InDesign as I’m not familiar and would prefer to stick to what I know, even if it takes longer, time needs to be taken to learn the program so this knowledge can be applied to future briefs.

Year 2: Week of May 12th

Last week I managed to complete all of the double page spreads in time, I included a filler double page spread which has a soliloquy from Shakespeare’s Hamlet as this is largely centered around suicide and some of the metaphors used are very powerful and appropriate to my book. Over this weekend I’ve been working on a final illustration for a double page spread and aim to finish it by monday, there isn’t all that much left to complete on it so this shouldn’t be hard to achieve. This leaves one last double page spread and the cover which will be easy to complete as they will both be solely text based. This week I also need to stick in sheets that have accumulated over the semesters for various projects so that there is evidence behind my work. Ready for hand in.

Year 2: Week of May 5th

Second to last week before hand in, as stated last week I completed several pieces at home and am up to the stage where I need to make them into double page spreads and finish the accompanying material for each piece. as it stands after completing the double page spreads I’ll be 2 pages short for a blurb book, the front and back covers will also need to be completed. This week I hope to have all double page spreads completed that is possible, leaving me 2 to draw up at home or next week. Although next week is the last week before hand in on Friday the 16th, so I would prefer not to leave it until then.

Year 2: Week of April 28th

Due to an unseen amount of work for one of my illustrations, only one was able to get completed last week and a second was only started. Personal promotion stuff was also finished with a little bit of work and is no longer on my to do list, overall I’m quite happy with how the CV and business card turned out and they’ve definitely captured my style and nature within them so the recipient has an idea of the type of person I am before even meeting me. Over this weekend I was able to finally download illustrator at home so I can complete my book in some o my spare time as opposed to all at college when I have access to it.  This week I plan to complete around 4 more pieces and start piecing together double page spreads for the completed book, this should be no problem now that work can be complete at home.

Year 2: Week of April 21st

Much of the work I planned to do last week was completed, however I changed the topic of the brief to suicide and its affiliations, this will be more illustration based rather than info graphic based as illustration is becoming a real passion of mine and I believe this new topic is a lot more meaningful than the previous. The trip to BrandOpus went well, it was also a really good opportunity to be inside a branding company and see what the workspace is like and first hand experience the process. Most of the feedback for our work was excellent but there were a few things that we could have done different but he went on to explain that in the real process you would meet every day and discuss new designs and always change them. Now that there are no other briefs left to complete my focus turns solely to self-authored and the small amount of personal promotion left to complete. I plan to make a book for my self-authored which has to be 20 pages minimum to be able to sent to blurb for creation, therefore by the end of this week I plan to have around 2 illustrations completed.

Year 2: Week of April 14th

After two weeks off for the Easter holidays I must admit that I didn’t complete a whole lot of outstanding for work during this period, although We were asked to complete a two week branding task in the same groups, for a real brief issued by BrandOpus. A lot of the initial work was done in the final days before the holidays, such as research and initial ideas. A large proportion of the work fell on my shoulders as members of my team had work experience or were unable to make contact, so much of the final product is solely my workand. This is the only problem I had with this brief, it would’ve been a much better experience if my team were available during the holidays  and I feel I may have learned more about team working. All in all though the project was a lot more in depth than the previous live brief and included aspects like packaging design and advertising posters. During the time off I did however select a topic to base my self-authored project on, it will most likely be an info graphic about scientific theory as this is something that interests me greatly and I feel that everyday things that are explained by such theories aren’t widely known, so I’d like to educate people whilst making the info graphic fun and appealing. Over the upcoming week I plan to complete my research for self-authored and start on the creation of the piece. Thursday I believe we have a trip to BrandOpus in London, to present the work we’ve done over Easter in a professional manner and get feedback on how we handle the brief which I’m excited for.

Year 2: Week of March 24th

Most things went to plan last week, I reached the deadline for the D&AD brief and was able submit it, admittedly encountering several problems with the website (causing them to extend the deadline to the following day) however I finally managed to get through and submit my work. Overall I feel that if I had spent less time on my viral then this work could have been a lot better, considering the viral isn’t due in until the end of the year, but I made good use of the time which I did spend on the brief and was able to produce some decent posters with nice accompanying advertising pieces.  I made a start on some new pieces for my personal promotion, something more suited to my style and also involving inspiration from things outside of graphics such as tattoos and youtube channels. I believe on the 24th we have a visit from Daniel, where we will be taking part in a one day brief, to give us an insight on what it is like in the industry to work on a small time scale and will also be the first opportunity since the start of the course for us to work in groups, which I believe will be a good experience and is an essential one for industry work involving branding and such. I’m excited to see what the brief will contain and also learn more about the tricks of the trade and the branding process. Work wise, I plan to have completely finished my business cards and CV and possibly send off for the business cards to be made professionally.

Year 2: Week of March 17th

Last week I decided to drop the Yorkshire Tea YCN brief and focus primarily on the monotype brief as this Thursday is the deadline for D&AD briefs and monotype interests me a lot more, especially as the topic is film posters. For the monotype brief, I selected my films and carried out research into my chosen producer, as 3 films are to be chosen from a single director and a series of posters shall be made with a common theme. After some initial sketches, pages in the style of the films and even tangible objects, I’m in a position to finish up some final pieces using Photoshop and of course, the accompanying graphics. This week, the competition brief will be completely finished and submitted to D&AD due to the Thursday deadline as aforementioned. Once submitted, my focus will once again turn to personal promotion as I keep neglecting it and putting projects with a shorter time frame first.

Year 2: Week of March 10th

No work was completed whilst away on the Berlin trip due to lack of access to computers and programs. Over next week I plan to catch up on time lost due to the trip and begin executing some of the ides that I have conceptualized for the competition brief. After looking through many of the briefs for the other competition, D&AD, I would like to also start working on an entry for the monotype brief this week. Personal promotion will need addressing as only basic pieces have been produced for my CV and I’m not impressed with the results.

Year 2: Week of March 3rd

The viral video was completed and rendered during the last week, although there were a few issues with sound and a small watermark in the top corner due to stock footage not being compatible with Macs, however on a Windows PC the mark should not be visible. Overall, choosing to do a viral instead of a catalogue, I believe, has served me well and helped play on my strengths using programs such as After Effects which I’ve had prior experience with. Rather than using programs such as InDesign which I am much less proficient in as editorial is an area that doesn’t particularly interest me as a certain ‘design’ element is lost in my eyes. Being the only viral in the class, I think my originality shines through, making the piece more appealing. Unfortunately due to some minor set backs with the video, I was unable to complete much work for other briefs, but a brief was chosen for my competition brief (Yorkshire Tea YCN) and I developed some initial concepts surrounding the brief and will make more progress over the coming weeks. The week commencing March 3rd, I will be in Berlin so therefore cannot complete work without access to computers and programs. As Tony has mentioned we can choose to make Berlin the focus of our Self-Authored brief at the end of the semester and gather research during our time there, but I don’t believe I will be taking this route.